As a coach and a team facilitator, I am very often asked about advice, what could I do in this situation?

 What would you do ? 

And I always answer the same reply :

“I do not tell people what to do. I believe you are able to take your own decision. I trust you for who you are. My role is to hold space and mirror for you to face your shit”.

I get a staring usually.


“ you’re coach, it is your job to tell..”


Well I am not this type of coach and actually I am not this type of human being.


I trust people.


Meaning : I see you and I trust you. What you are going through is what you have to face and you are able to face it.

And I am here to go through with you.




Can you imagine a bright, creative, fulfilling future for you and your organization? Become resilient in a complex world. Infuse new ways of being, thinking and doing.