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OUVREZ GRAND VOTRE PORTE ET RENCONTREZ VOTRE GENIE Révéler vos trésors cachés pour les actionner dans votre vie (professionnelle et/ou personnelle) «Chacun d’entre nous porte un génie caché, un trésor caché. Est-ce que je peux en prendre conscience et l’accepter pour moi-même. Quand je me projette dans ma vie, comment savoir ce que je veux […]


REGENERATE YOURSELF – Friday, December 16th – DC area

 You can choose to attend any session of the 4 session of the Journey or the 4 of them. This is the first session to bring back life to your organization.Your organization is a living organism, imagine that everything is connected, and each element depends on the other; The organization is as conscious as its […]


ATELIER THEMATIQUE : Se reconnecter à soi & Redonner du sens – Mardi 10 Janvier 2023 – DC Area

Bethesda 6011 ROOSEVELT STREET, BETHESDA, MD, United States

Quand je perds mes repères, quand tout bouge autour de moi, comment savoir ce que je veux pour moi, dans mon travail, dans ma vie?Prendre le temps de retrouver ses repères, de se les rappeler, de trouver témoins de nos réussites et de ce qui est plus difficile. Me reconnecter à ce que j’ai vraiment […]


REGENERATE YOURSELF – Thursday, March 2nd – Rochester, NY


This is the first session* to bring back life to your organization.Your organization is a living organism, imagine that everything is connected, and each element depends on the other; The organization is as conscious as its leader. – What are your beliefs and how it impacts your actions & behavior – What are your needs […]


REGENERATE YOUR TEAM – Friday, March 10th – DC area

Bethesda 6011 ROOSEVELT STREET, BETHESDA, MD, United States

For this second part, we experiment different ways to interact with others, with your team in the workplace. Resume conversations with your team. How to Accompany teams with who I am and start candid conversations for a vibrant and human company culture! You can choose to attend any session of the 4 session of the Journey or […]
